Hey guys.
I’m doing that thing I do, which is to just not say anything if I’m having a bad time, but the point of this space is to document all of it. All of the awesome, all of the real life boring stuff, all of the hard parts, all of the ugly bits. And while I hate burdening people with my woes, it feels disingenuous to not talk about them. Here, of all places. Where I’ve purposely carved a space.
So here goes.
I had a bad weekend. It kicked off Friday, when about an hour before I was supposed to leave, I was asked to provide information in the aid of making people unhappy, basically a sort of “we have to take some toys away from our kids, which ones?” and I know that it’s just going to make things harder and everyone’s already stressed out. There is literally nothing I can do about this, and while realistically I know it’s not up to me to be the Morale Champ of our group, most of the time I feel like it is. So when things are stressful and I can’t fix it, I get unhappy. I have a very limited power, and I use that power beyond what I probably should to keep things together, but it’s worth it to me if I can help my coworkers feel less shitty about their jobs, because I like them.
I’ve been watching my job take things away and make things worse, and it’s the nature of business, I totally get that, but it is supremely frustrating to see things happen and know that it didn’t used to be like this. And so I fell in to a sort of employment despair, because I can’t see things getting any better at all. And in that dark space, I reverted back to the thought that I STILL don’t know the origin of, “one more year. You just have to put up with this for one more year.” And my brain seized on that and began planning my exit and I completely freaked out, both because massive life change and holy shit could I afford this, but also a sort of egotistical WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE GUYS GOING TO DO WITHOUT ME. If I leave, the smallest, stupidest things will cease to be, things that don’t mean much but make their lives easier. Like a goddamned supply cabinet. We’re supposed to fill out a form on a web tool when we need office supplies, but I deemed that Way Too Fucking Stupid and spent a couple hundred bucks outfitting us with a goddamned supply cabinet so that you can get a fucking PEN when you need one instead of filling out a form and waiting for an intern to bring you one. If I leave, no one is going to maintain that cabinet.
It’s all stupid shit, but it was my first moment of “holy shit my absence is going to cause problems for someone when this disease takes over”. There’s an intellectual exercise in “what would happen if I leave” that I think everyone indulges in, and to a revengey sort of degree when it’s to do with stressful relationships or jobs and we imagine how screwed they’d be if we just walked out; but this was a for-real, scary, “I am going to be gone and my void is going to cause someone genuine discomfort.” And it hit me kind of hard. And my brain, of course, spun in to the nightmare world of trying to plan financial escapes and mentally going over all of the homework I still have to do and…..
My brain still in this space, I went to game night with some coworkers, and that was awesome! Except when filling out a character sheet, and my hands just..wouldn’t work. I have very good penmanship when I take the care to do so. I have been complimented on my ability to write legibly on white boards. I’ve noticed some decline there, but that night I could barely read my own writing. And it sat in my gut and festered, and when I got home that night, I probably should have allowed myself to cry it out, but I tried to medicate it away instead. And that led to a whole weekend of moping and sadness instead of one night of crying jag catharsis.
I laid in bed and my cats sat on me and it was hard to move them off of me, and that made me sad.
I thought about the special pen and ink I got in New Orleans to write my goodbye letters and now I’ve waited too long to do that, and that made me sad.
I looked around my kitchen and the drawers of baking things and knew I’d never bake to the level of professionalism I wanted, and that made me sad.
I read Facebook and found out that my friend with cancer is taking a downturn, and I was sad.
I watched a new series that people were excited about and I just couldn’t get into it, and that made me sad.
Fun plans were canceled for Sunday morning and I just didn’t have the energy to do something else instead, and that made me sad.
A friend with MS reached out to be in a bad space, and I provided what comfort I could, and her pain and anger made me sad.
My cat barfed in the hallway, and I just…couldn’t get up to deal with it that moment, and that inertia made me sad.
It’s lifting now, it’s still there around the edges, but it will fade, it always does. But I need to be honest with myself when I get sad, and I need to give myself permission to mourn, and I should probably find a space to talk about this with someone who gets it but isn’t my therapist, but all of the ALS forums are just so AWFUL, one part “MY LIFE IS THE TERRIBLEST AND YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND AND HERE IS MY LITANY OF WOES” competition and one part “We sadly announce that our member Whassisface died this morning.” Neither is helpful. Cause sometimes it ISN’T terriblest, and I’m going to die, but not today. And sometimes you just need to say “This sucks” and have someone say, “Yeah I know” who really DOES. And then lie and say it’s going to be okay, even though it isn’t.
I’m learning a lot of things. I’m learning to let myself be helped. I am training myself out of assuming that when I accept that help, it is a burden to someone else. I’m learning to let myself be weak. I’m learning to give myself permission to breathe in the in-between times without becoming a lazy depressed lump. And I’m learning to let myself grieve for myself. They’re all hard lessons, things I’ve trained myself out of over a lifetime of only ever being able to count on myself. It’s hard to be vulnerable. And it’s hard to put these things here, it’s so much easier when it’s energetic anger or joy.
But for now, I’m a bit depressed. It’s okay. It’s understandable. And allowed. But it’s hard to be. I want to be my usual bouncy optimistic self, and she’s still around here somewhere, but she’s taking her sweet time coming back around.
So, sorry it’s been so long. I’ve been quiet and I shouldn’t be.
I think of you a lot, though. And I miss you.
God damn. I was looking for an animated gif site, which turns out to be giphy.com, and I mistyped it by one letter. It brought me to your website and I was like “Hey, what the fuck is this?”.
So I start reading a bit and within 2 minutes of scanning the page, I think “Wow… this is extremely stuff”.
That? That happened 90 minutes ago. I’m still here on your page, and I’ve been reading from the beginning without skipping a post. And yeah, my initial reaction of “this is some heavy shit” is obviously still in-tact. And because of your writing and emotional conveyance skills, I’m feeling really moved right now.
I don’t know whether anger, despair, or an overall sadness towards facts of life are the actual prominent feelings here. I’d probably go with a split down the middle. I don’t think I’ve ever frowned and sweared, then felt the pit of my stomach churn, more than I have reading your blog.
I just want to re-iterate things you already know, because there is obviously nothing else to do. First, this is fucking capital A grade bullshit and not a human on earth deserves to deal with it. But in light of that, secondly, you are dealing with it so commendably and you are very inspiring even in your darkest, most depressing posts. I would not be handling it as well as you. I truly do not believe I would be. And third, no matter what happens in the future, you are leaving this amazing trail of writing for the following generations to witness and take emotion from.
This kind of writing is so important. People need to experience what the rest of us who have read your writings have experienced. You are a true power in spreading the awareness for ALS. You are the person the person needs to come read the moment after they dump a bucket of ice water on their head.
Thank you for keeping these entries and I hope you can keep it up for a long time. With people like you, this disease will die sooner rather than later. Keep up the good fight,
Holy hell. Thank you so much for accidentally landing here and then sticking around. Thank you so much for saying all of this. Thanks for being the sort of person who leaves comments. Because my night is totally made, and my week, and it is a powerful thing to hear these words from strangers and wow. You kick ass and I’m so happy you wound up here and read everything and then told me so. <3 You're aces. Thank you.