A vast number of things have prevented me from completing my voice banking. Changing acoustics in my office due to the move being the primary, but various other things have factored in, like the time my hard drive died and I lost the existing in progress file. I finally had it occur to me that work has phone booths, private little sound-muffled rooms. So I have brought my headset in to work, and finally – FINALLY! – started the process over.
And then this.
Maybe you don’t know Tom Waits, and don’t care. That’s okay! You should go YouTube something of his and then imagine a digital voice like that. I said that I should make a tumblr for Tom Waits poetry inspired by the ModelTalker software prompts. It would be awesome. And then read that poetry with the Tom Waits digital voice, and the world would cease to be, because it’s just too cool for words. And voices.
I might continue to bug you guys with examples of the ModelTalker reading prompts though. They’re delightfully bizarre.
“The wolves surged to meet him.”
“He had rides in the wheelbarrow.”
“The grizzled old fellow could only see on one side.”
Oh, and the original line was “There’s another way you can get a tooth out.”