I know someone in the process of being diagnosed with als and I'm just wondering how the first few emg's…
On Surreal
Hey WC, Sounds like you have had some ups and downs. Sorry, about your fall. It must be scary not…
On Catching My Breath
Hope you’re doing ok Vashti. I worry when you haven’t posted in a while.
On Repose
I'm sorry that Cabbitch attempted to prey on you-great job shutting her down! I highly suggest you contact the FTC…
On Repose
That was fantastic! I'm a few years older than you so I knew people affected directly by that horrible disease…
On My First Death Positivity Experience
Dear WC, I totally get where you are coming from. I found out my mom died via Facebook because my…
On Repose
This was morbid and awesome and sad-Thank you for digging it up for us. Miss your videos btw.
On My First Death Positivity Experience
You are so BRAVE! You are amazing and strong! Four years is hard for me to read. I can only…
On Clinical Anxiety
I gagged. What a piece of shit. It's not bad enough she preys on people's fears. But to a friend????!!!…
On Protip: Maaaaaaybe don’t prey on dying friends?
You are Awesome!!
On A is for ALS