I dont normally check Facebook enough to read your journal, but I read this entry. I fully expect you to…
On Biding Time
You are a thoughtful, genuine and kind human. I have read your blog for ages now and your ethics are…
On Unkind
Hey sweet girl, I’m thankful you have such an extensive team behind you. Hope today was good even in small…
On The ALS Clinic
You're an eternally kind soul who still goes above and beyond to carve another selfless positive nugget into the universe.…
On The ALS Clinic
Without minimizing your losses, I'm glad the progression of disease has been as slow as it has, and I wish…
On Saddiversary Part the Fourth
I’m holding space for you. You can email me if you want and if you want I would not mind…
On Saddiversary Part the Fourth
I smiled reading that. Yes, give this ridiculous disease the middle finger. Fuck it!
On Saddiversary Part the Fourth
I’m very proud of you. Your translucent truth has inspired me to be brave❤️. I cannot imagine what you are…
On Saddiversary Part the Fourth
You just described how I've raised my daughter. She's 7. When she was younger and asked why someone was in…
On Brutal Honesty
Hi, It’s Elizabeth. Yeah, I can relate to kid’s honesty as well. I am glad this was a positive experience…
On #JustALSthings