I've subscribed to this RSS feed and went to Lalochezia and subscribed to it to. Talking Shit, indeed.
On Lalochezia
On Sometimes silence seems safer.
This may help (or may make things worse): http://www.timjlawrence.com/blog/2015/10/19/everything-doesnt-happen-for-a-reason (warning: long)
On Grieving
God damn. I was looking for an animated gif site, which turns out to be giphy.com, and I mistyped it…
On Sometimes silence seems safer.
It's amazing what some people can rationalize with faith as logic. Ridiculous.
On Not even going to mince words here.
At least I made you cute! LOL Where's the link to the site you talked about, kiddo? I want to…
On ALS:FTS Video Log Update Thingy Numba ONE
To me this sounds like an ableist attempt to help you feel better, a "one of us" kind of thing.…
On Spoiler Alert: #everyonedies
Why are you so cute?!
On ALS:FTS Video Log Update Thingy Numba ONE
That does fucking such! And you are a sharp and witty writer. Your story is an amazing read even knowing…
On Spoiler Alert: #everyonedies
I love you so much. So very, very much. It was a living wake because I knew that once he…
On Wakey Wakey