You are such a selfless, kind soul. Right now, more than ever, very frightened people need to know it’s gonna…
On COVID Operations
You are an amazing woman! We are so fortunate to have you in our lives. I hope hundreds of people…
On COVID Operations
I imagine you in your power wheelchair like a Powerpuff Girl. 🙂
On TWD: Traveling While Disabled
The best part about our lives is that we each get to decide what’s valuable to ourselves. Some people think…
On Not Safe for Television
YOU are amazing! If it makes you feel any more understood, nearly everything I tell these intellectually-lazy-as-fuck doctors about me…
On Feed Me, Seymour
Been reading your blog since your brother posted on metafilter and didn't want to be that intrusive creeper so never…
On Feed Me, Seymour
my dear wonderful Vashti!! I checked your blog as usual and I saw this update post and I was so…
On Feed Me, Seymour
haha she stared at the sun
On Inappropriate Friends are the Best Friends – Part 7
Vaaaashti!!!! thank God you wrote back to me! and also thank you haha I am so relieved you are ok!…
On Grief is an Animal
Vashti! I hope you are doing well, it’s been 1 month today since you last wrote something. I am checking…
On Grief is an Animal