I wanted to write that I used to care for a PALS that just passed, but then I read that…
On Socialsssszzzz
This gave me chills. Beautiful.
On Grief is an Animal
Yes. All of this. This is beautiful, Vashti.
On Grief is an Animal
You go girl, you're an inspiration!
On A Punch in the Gut
Dear WC, I gulped a lot reading this. Tears were splashing my phone. I’m pretty angry with the health system…
On Like, FRS Sure
This post should be turned into a television commercial or something to tell the world the realities of the American…
On Why
I’ve been following your blog from you Reddit AMA all those years ago. The American health care system, or lack…
On Why
Password protected
On Protected: Clusterfuck
is there any way I can get a password to see your latest post? I have been following your blog…
On Drowning
This looks like it would be easier to handle than a full-pressure sports bra: https://www.target.com/p/women-s-plus-size-striped-ribbed-brami-colsie/-/A-54382440?preselect=54379259#lnk=sametab
On Bra Ra Ra