Vashti Ross
This is my site, that you are looking at.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Welcome to the family. Good luck on the approvals; I'm certainly glad you have someone in…
On Clinic Day 1-14-19
I like this idea a lot.
On Tainted
Oh man I've logged over 700 hours on Skyrim, I love it so much. My current character is Argonian, because…
On Tainted
oh gosh, I'm so sorry you had a reaction! That must have been so frightening D: I'm going to try…
On Retrospectacle
Hi there! I'm sorry about your friend, ALS is a rough road to diagnosis. My EMGs weren't exactly normal, but…
On Surreal
It's a genuine pleasure to meet you! Thank you for de-lurking
On Seriously, why always 3AM?
Oh, I surely hope so. If this blog entry prevents even one person from buying into her dangerous garbage, it…
On Protip: Maaaaaaybe don’t prey on dying friends?
I'm always excited to hear about what might work for other people, as long as it's actual science! I've got…
On Welcome New Readers!
Of course, fellow WC! Share away. I'm not so angry with Jillian anymore; she's become a total joke among us…
On Protip: Maaaaaaybe don’t prey on dying friends?
I don't think it's so much that I was stable in March through July, is more that my progression is…
On Welcome New Readers!