Oh also!

So when I walked in to pay for the bed yesterday, I felt a little bad for the saleskid, cause he saw a potential commission, and I was there to pay for something already sold. Sad trombone.

“Hi there,” he said.

“Good morning,” my brother Justin said. It was about 6PM.

The kid was a bit flustered but recovered quickly. “How can I help?”

I pointed at the sales counter. “I’m actually just here to..”

Saleskid dropped the mask. “Your hair is really cool.”


He noticed my Deadpool teeshirt. “Your SHIRT is cool!”

“Thanks again!”

“Sorry, were you headed to the bathroom?” It was the same direction as the counter.

“No, I’m here to pay for a bed. My friend Jen set it up for me.”

Of course he knew her. She’s awesome. I told him my name. “Even your NAME is really cool.”

“I’m not sure if you noticed, but um, I’m pretty cool all around,” I grinned. We joked about the little plushy dust mite on the counter, he rang me up, Justin and I got donuts on the way home. And today I figured out that Jen had saved me $2400.


Jen is cool. You guys are cool.

The end.