Bra Ra Ra

In this installment of Things It Never Occurred to Me I’d Have To Worry About: Bras.

In a vague way, of course it occurred to me that it would eventually be a problem. But it was kind of lumped in with clothing in general. I knew I’d have trouble dressing, and understood eventually I would require help. It’s the intermediary stage that is proving to be a pain in the ass. Zippers took a little bit of doing, but eventually I figured out that simply adding key rings to the zipper pulls allowed me to work zippers myself. A little device that looks like a Swiss Army knife helps me with buttons. I worked out a trick for pulling up skirts or dresses down by capturing the fabric between my wheelchair and the palm of my hand to hold the fabric stationary and shifting my body. Makeup gets done two-handed these days.

But bras are tricky. They are fiddly things in the best of times. You have to simultaneously tug and latch tiny hooks into tiny eyelets. At my current state, I can tug or I can latch. You get one. And eventually I won’t be able to do that either. So I’m in this weird in between stage, not quite broken enough to require full-time assistance, but not really able-bodied enough to take care of myself completely either. A lot of days I can’t manage the bra, so I just do without. I really don’t like leaving my house with no bra on, it makes me feel trashy and holy SHIT boob sweat is totally a thing. There are some shirts that I cannot wear if I do not have a bra on. So what is a terminally ill woman whose hands are garbage meat noodles to do?

The obvious answer of course, is to get some help. Have someone else do it. And of course I can, eventually I’ll have to, but I’d rather delay that as long as I can. And it seems stupid that someone hasn’t invented something to cope with this problem. I’m not unique. The situation has come up for other people before. There has to be a solution.

Spoiler alert: there really doesn’t seem to be.

I spent more time and money than I’d like to admit trying to figure out a workaround. There are manufactured solutions for women with limited grip due to arthritis or the like, but they pose two problems. One, they usually go only up to a C cup, and I have not been a C cup since I was maybe 16. Even at my thinnest, I have always been a busty girl, and even normal bras were hard to find in my size. It’s easier these days, but in my 20s I had to shop at “big girl” stores before I was a “big girl”. So your medical device of a bra that only goes up to 38C is just not gonna cut it. Two, they’re ugly as shit. I already had problems with only being allowed to have bras in fat girl beige or white – the alternative is spending $40-$60 each at Lane Bryant or somewhere. (Thank God for Torrid. That’s all I have to say.) But cute or not, they still have the hook and eye closure that is rapidly becoming actually impossible.

There are front closing bras, but that offers the same exact hook and eye closure problem. There are no help. Sports bras are great, but they are necessarily restrictively tight and require strength to get on. So-called adhesive bras don’t work. See: busty girl. They just become kind of glorified pasties, no actual support. And as a bonus, they’re made of self-adhesive silicon which never stays on, or they’re basically stickers made with latex, which I am allergic to. Actual pasties or other kinds of nipple cover solve one problem, but a woman really requires structure when she gets of an age and of a size. A good bra is like an all day hug.

I don’t have an actual solution. My workaround currently is nipple cover stickers and really baggy shirts. Or one bra that I have which I can clasp because it’s too big for me so it doesn’t support well. I have to choose between functional and cute – you make that decision often with chronic or terminal conditions. On special occasions when I would like to dress up, I have to get help. (Again I am very lucky that J was my husband at one point so he’s already seen me naked and it’s not as awkward as it might otherwise be. Again, J is amazing.)

There has to be a better way to this. It’s dumb. Someone invent a magnetic clasp bra that’s strong enough to hold a double D. And hurry it up please, I don’t really have a lot of time to wait.


Well hello. I survived the surgery, it went really well and I am recovering nicely.

…Except for the part where the nurse used chlorhexidine on my hand when starting my IV. Despite the bright red wristband stating I am allergic to chlorhexidine and latex. So that was a weeks worth of itchy fun.

…Except for the part where the IV came out of my hand during surgery so they had to start a new one on my other hand.

…Except for the super nasty UTI that happened and went undiagnosed for a couple of days because I figured it was just irritation from the catheter during surgery. That sucked, really really bad. PROTIP: urine should not be dark and cloudy with red bits floating in it. Get that checked out.

…Except for the doctors really, really not fucking around when they say OxyContin causes constipation. Do not ignore this advice when they tell you to get lots of fiber.

…Except for my hands being unable to fasten and unfasten the elastic bands that keep the bag strapped to my leg. So the bag just kind of kicks it with me in bed.

…Except for the night before last when somehow the bag became unscrewed? And I secondhand peed the bed?

…Except for my body apparently deciding overnight that since I don’t HAVE to use the toilet to pee anymore, getting up off of the toilet is not a thing we get to do. Not easily. Helluva thing to discover at 1 AM due to getting stuck sitting on the toilet for 45 minutes until I finally managed.

All sarcasm and bitterness aside, this thing is fucking amazing. I wore proper underwear for the first time in almost a year. I did not have to put on a pee pad for the first time since October 2017. It’s taking some getting used to, of course – being able to feel balloon inside my bladder has taken some serious adjusting. I also wasn’t really expecting it to be literally a slit cut in my belly with a tube shoved in. There is no connector, no futzy plastic anything, literally a slit with a rubber tube sticking out of it. Thank your lucky stars I’m not about to show that to you. I now have the most hardcore body piercing EVER.

There’s a couple of things I have to do to fully adjust, including hitting up my seamstress friends to help me build some kind of a cover for this thing – so that it doesn’t accidentally become unscrewed again, I don’t get super sweaty having this plastic thing that doesn’t breathe sitting against my skin, and I don’t have to look at a literal bag of urine sitting next to me all the time. I want to get some fat quarters of spooky fabrics and make cute little bags to stick the bag in and disguise it somewhat. Anything to make it look even a little less than exactly what it is.

For now though, I am obscenely grateful for having only to get up once or twice to empty this thing a day, which only involves me getting in the wheelchair and rolling up to the toilet to dump it. I don’t have to transfer all if I really didn’t want to, I have a receptacle to empty the bag into while still sitting in bed. But so far it hasn’t been a problem. I’m not sitting in my own pee right now. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be DRY. How awesome it is to be able to wear my cute underwear again. It was worth it. Absolutely no question about it. I’m so glad I did this.

And I’m sure you’re super glad too, because this is hopefully the end of my urine stories. I’m not even gonna make the title a pee pun. You’re welcome.

Pee Brain

When will I stop writing about urine, I hear you ask.


Strap on your diapers, because I am not done yet. BUT MAYBE SOON!! For today I’ma tell you how my urology appointment went.

The short answer is: disasterously, and then really well. The longer answer is: I fucked up and thought my appointment was at 10:30, not 10, and so I missed it like an idiot. I made another appointment for their next free spot, June 4th. Meh. Luckily, someone ELSE fucked up THEIR appointment and missed it, so they called me as I was wheeling myself back to my van and they were able to see me after all.

Two wrongs do, in FACT, make a right.

Sooooo I wheeled myself back to their clinic, we filled in my new patient paperwork even though I am not a new patient, and after all the stress of the morning, J and I got a bit testy with it. “Please list all of your medications” it said. “Go fuck yourselves, you already have this information like eleven times and I am NOT WRITING OUT ALL THIRTEEN MEDICATIONS AND VITAMINS I TAKE,” I thought, and J angrily wrote in “see your records”. I felt guilty for like…a microsecond, because they were being nice and seeing me after I fucked up but HOLY SHIT SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS ALREADY HAVE THIS INFO AND MY HANDS DO NOT WORK SO I WILL NOT BE WRITING YOU A LIST. AGAIN.

We were called back to the room. I was cheerfully asked if I could provide a urine sample. I thought, but did NOT say, that they were welcome to wring out my diaper for some if they want it that badly. Out loud I said that would be very hard, can we skip it. She cheerfully said it was no problem, ushered us to our room, and then came back with an ultrasound machine to see how much urine I had in my bladder. Luckily I was able to lean back my wheelchair so she could turn down the waistband of my skirt to get goop all over me, swipe a wand across my belly, and announce I have 208.

208 what, was never explained.

She disappeared and the urologist came in. I am getting of an age, finally, when sometimes my doctors are younger than I am, but my first thought was “what is she, TWELVE??” so I had to quiet my internal grandma. In order to address my outer grandma problems. She recapped my problems in a nutshell, from my records, to see if she understood properly. She pulled a list of my meds from her chart folder to confirm them with me.


She asked how often I get up to go to the bathroom. 3 or 4 times a day, I told her, but it’s closer to say anymore that I go to the bathroom, then get up. Or get up as I am going. Depends on the day. Depends on my body. Depends, literally, are on my body. I would like that no longer to be necessary. She told me that 4 times a day isn’t enough, I really should be going every 3 or 4 hours.


“That said,” she told me, her manner becoming instantly less dismissive, “that isn’t very useful to you. You can’t spend half your day and all of your energy just peeing. Not to mention the dramatic increase in fall risk, from transferring in and out of your chair all day.”




The heavens split asunder and choirs of angels with pom poms appeared in the sky and the stars spelled out SHE FUCKING GETS IT. I remembered to breathe.

“Let’s talk options,” she said, and she told me everything I’d already researched myself. We agreed the superpubic catheter was a great option for me, she told me the risks and rewards. It’s a procedure done under sedation, she said, but she’s done emergency ones at bedside with just a local; it’s really simple. I did not tell her I had watched a video of one being done bedside. She said her people would call me to schedule the procedure, and to expect to have it done within the month.

Just like that, five minutes. All agreed and going. They called me the next day. My procedure is on the 4th, the day my rescheduled appointment was supposed to be. Within 2 weeks, I will be on my way to diaper independence. I have so many pairs of cute underwear I can not wait to be able to wear again. I can wear my awesome leggings again without having to worry about peeing them if I can’t peel them off fast enough. I will be done sitting in my own urine because I could not get out of bed fast enough and wondering if I have the energy to get up and do something about it or not.

Most importantly?

I will be done telling complete strangers on the internet all about my incontinence.

And now you’re as excited about this as I am.


If I’d been told five years ago what ALS was, and been allowed to do as much research as I like, and then been asked to write down everything I thought might be a problem for someone with the disease, I’d still have gotten most of it wrong.

That’s part of why I made this blog, I guess. To track those things. Even things I probably would have mentioned, I would not have gotten completely right. I am very, very lucky that I am not the first person with this disease, and so every little one of these little problems that have come up almost always has a solution. And usually? Even a marketed product to fix it. A law to address it. Something.

For example! I have no strength in my feet. That’s a duh observation. But one of the unexpected consequences of that fact is that at night, the weight of the blankets simply resting on top of them becomes painful. The weight of the blankets push my feet down so my toes curl and my heels dig into the mattress. When you have strength in your toes you don’t even register the weight. When your feet are useless, you can actually get bedsores on your ankles and heels just from that little bit of weight. So now you know!

Luckily, folks have had this problem addressed before. One answer is a kind of cushiony boot that you wear to bed, to give your ankles extra cushion. But the BETTER solution is something called a bed cradle – a C shaped frame that slips under your mattress and keeps the covers up off your feet. It’s also awesome for cats to lean against, apparently.

(there will be a cute pic of my cats leaning against the bed cradle here as soon as my site stops being a shit head and lets me upload)

I love this thing.

One thing that ABSOLUTELY occurred to me as a need, however, was the need for a bathroom with bars and enough space to get a wheelchair in. It’s a no-brainer. And yet. AND YET. So many places get it wrong. I …hold on, before I get into this rant, I’ma look up what the legal requirements are. If i were a benevolent dictator, everyone who owns a public place would have to do a day in a wheelchair to get a feel for it and see what the hell people have to deal with, so they could visualize how best to build a proper fucking bathroom. And I know there are absolutely the kind of assholes who comply with the absolute letter of the ADA law but to the point of practical uselessness. I suspect that is the case for the Lake Oswego Stanford’s restaurant, which I’m about to rant about in a second. I am calling them out specifically here because we went there for Thanksgiving, and my experience with their toilet was so goddamned frustrating it verrrrrrrrrrrrry nearly ruined my day because I almost had to call J to come rescue me.

…hoooboy yah that stall was NOT compliant. OK so here is the photo I took of myself sitting on the toilet, in preparation for sending it to J by way of explanation why I needed him to come get me.

(there will be a pic of the bathroom stall here as soon as my site stops being a shit head and lets me upload)

My wheelchair is backed all the fuck back against the door. The foot rests on my wheelchair had to be folded up to get my chair in all the way so I could close the door. My knees are apart because there is literally three inches between the edge of my chair and the toilet bowl. On the one side of the stall is a very flimsy wooden partition and no grab bar. On the other wall? A grab bar AND THE FUCKING DIAPER CHANGE STATION MOUNTED ONE INCH ABOVE IT. The bar was rendered completely fucking useless because of that goddamned thing. There was another bar along the back wall, mounted one inch above the toilet tank.


I should have not bothered, but I really had to go, so I managed to maneuver the chair in at an angle. I was able to get out of the chair thanks to its seat tilt function, but A GRAB BAR ON THAT WALL WOULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING NICE. Using the bar against the back wall I was able to pull myself forward to lean against the back wall to undress. Then carefully lower myself down, because I couldn’t even lean on that non-bar wall for support (see: flimsy-ass wooden partition). The toilet was lower than my chair, and the instant I sat down I knew I was not going to be able to get back up with any sort of ease.

I finished up and took a long time to figure out how the fuck I was going to get back up. Long enough that J was sending me a text to ask if I was okay, but I was already planning on what I was going to say to him to explain I was going to need his help to get out. Meanwhile the bathroom was suddenly full of women, there was a line for the two stalls, including one woman saying she couldn’t use the other stall because she needed the bars. I almost called out to her that the handicap stall wasn’t going to be of any use to her.

After some consideration, I wound up having to lift my leg to it sidesaddle on the toilet, swivel my bare ass on to my wheelchair from the toilet, then lift myself up from there to pull my underwear back up and my skirt down. When I sat back down, I was out of breath. Humiliated. And then had to open the stall door and do a six point turn in a crowded goddamned bathroom to get to the sink while being stared at by a line of ladies. The woman who needed the stall had to wait for me to wait for both sinks to be clear, because the handicap stall door opened almost against the sink and I had to be completely out of its way to let the door close. Which meant once she was in there and the door closed, I effectively trapped her in there with my chair while I went back up to the sink to wash my hands. I’d wanted to take a picture of the stall with the fucking diaper station obstructing the bar, but there was a very long line waiting for that toilet.

I’m simply saying that Stanford’s was really lucky their pumpkin cheesecake was delicious because I might have burned the fucking place down after that.

As it is, now that I’ve seen the legal requirements and know goddamned well they are not in compliance, I’m proooooooooolly gonna lodge a formal goddamned complaint. We like to go there for family gatherings, but I’d never had to use the bathroom before. I’ve sometimes thought about starting a sideblog for really terrible public toilets and why they are not useful for actual ADA people, but I think it would just be supremely rage inducing for me and no one would give a shit who had any power to change it.

So instead I rant here in slightly TMI tones for y’all folks to read about. You’re welcome.

My bed cradle is still fucking awesome though.


Man, what even IS my life anymore.

I got a voice mail the day after that last post from my awesome nurse. “Hi, I read your blog, and I have some ideas about the AVAPS.”

Uhhhhh..hi there. I forget that people read this, sometimes. I have the best freaking care team ever, you guys. I got contacted from three different folks to ABSOLUTELY ASSURE ME that the machine would get paid for, the rules are more bendy for folks with ALS so please don’t stress about it. And then thanks to Nurse Awesome, I was contacted yesterday by Providence Respiratory to adjust my settings remotely to ramp that sucker down.


It had previously been forcing air down my throat so hard my ears were popping. Seriously. I can handle it now. I might even get compliance on my own without my awesome peeps having to argue for leeway. It’s still not exactly comfortable, but it’s so much more manageable.

Thursday was noooooooot a good day, there were a million things going wrong, including hurting myself by trying to lean over in the chair to pull something out from under my wheels. I felt and heard something go POP, and owowowowowow. Not a crack, though, and breathing was still ok, so I just rode it out and after a few days’ soreness I’m alright. Then Thursday night someone said something a bit unkind and I kinda completely lost my shit for awhile. Occasionally there’s a trigger and I mourn the person I don’t get to become. Five years ago, I had my very own house, I had just lost a lot of weight and was fitting in all my cute clothes again, I was going to school to further my career, I had all my shit sorted out and my life was pretty fucking great, actually. Thursday night I let myself grieve for her, because that future is dead, and I let myself be angry at people who say really stupid shit.

Friday I had the distinct displeasure of taking the sodding van in for repair. It cost me $919. I’m extremely grateful to Intel for their short term disability benefit easing me out of the workforce, because fortunately I HAVE that money. For now. Although now the brake light’s coming on. So that’ll be fun.

Saturday I did nothing but sleep and fuck around on the internet.

Sunday I did something SUPER COOL but is not my story to tell, so just believe me when I say it was amazing.

This morning my cat woke me up because I could hear him chewing on plastic. When I located him, he had a huge long piece of cellophane coming out of his mouth, and was choking on it a little. I could not get him to come to me for ANYTHING, and when I stood up and tried to get to him, of course he backed away. I took another step towards him and fell right on my ass. It didn’t hurt, even though I’ve kinda got no muscle in my ass to cushion the fall anymore, but it knocked a bit of breath away.

And then since I was on the floor, my fucking cat decided to come check me out and I was able to get the plastic out of his mouth.


The fall didn’t hurt, but getting off the floor did. I wound up sitting on my foot rests and using that wheelchair lift feature to get myself up off the ground, but even with the grab bar on my bed, the chair to push off of, and my walker on standby, I wasn’t able to get over up on the bed. I had to lower myself back to the floor and let myself catch my breath before I tried again, and was very, very grateful to the Depends company for their fine product and my forethought to start wearing them to bed otherwise I’d have exacerbated my situation by having to catch my breath sitting in a puddle.

Welcome to the TMI Show.

Now, I have my awesome watch, so I was never stranded. I always had options. I’m just stubborn as fuck. I texted J but he was not immediately responding, so I tried the wheelchair lift again, and used it to ALSO steer myself right up against the bed this time, and was able to get in bed. And then after catching my breath, getting up to go to the bathroom to change my disposable shorts. I cried for like half a second, but realistically I know this is definitely going to happen again. Probably not the cat part, but there will definitely be another fall, and next time I very probably will not be able to get myself up. It’s twelve hours later and even though I’ve been in bed all day I’m still exhausted from the ordeal. So that sucks. If I hadn’t had such a huge meltdown Thursday, it would have happened today.

So that’s my life, this last week. Kinda a shit show, but there were definitely some good bits in there.

Also I wanna restate that my care team is amazing, especially my nurse. <3

Time to Take the TMI Train to Tinkle Town!

Ok seriously, this is a TMI warning. There be candid, unglam talk about pee and even some butt stuff. So uh. Yeah. Proceed with discretion.

Soooooooooo the main reason I have not been posting is two-fold, with the reason being DEEEPRESSSSHUNS, stemming from 1) my stepfather dying and now my mom lives with me, and 2) a new symptom which is KICKING MY ASS in all kinds of fun physical, mental, and emotional ways. My surprise roommate situation – that will get its own blog, don’t you fret. Things are actually settled and pretty ok on that front now; that’s the GOOD part about avoiding blogging during a crisis – you get to walk in at the end of the story!

Ok so I just checked the archives for the first time I wrote about this thing and it was March of 2016. So I need to stop calling it a new symptom. Duly noted, self. Well. It was kinda a one-off thing, it happened a couple of times? But the last few months it’s been a serious deal and I am seriously not dealing well.

As you may have surmised, it’s about this:

And then I was just…peeing.

“Urge incontinence”. Only…there’s no “urge” part anymore. It’s closer to say that it will occur to me that I haven’t peed for awhile and should prolly do that, or I kind of have to go, and then before I can get to the toilet, I am just peeing. Everywhere. I’ve had to leave work early because I had to change my clothes, I’ve had to change clothes I literally just put on. And it’s not like I’m peeing in my chair, oh no, it fucking WAITS until I am alllllllllmost to the toilet and then just lets itself out all over me and the bathmat in front of my toilet before I have the chance to undress, much less sit the fuck down. Unless I physically cross my legs to contain it – and often, even then – there’s a mess.

I’m 42 and I wear incontinence pads every day now. As I posted previously, a lot of the articles about ALS say that usually bladder and bowel function aren’t affected. I took a lot more comfort in that than I realized. Like..sure I might be choking on my own spit someday, but at least I won’t be sitting in a puddle of my own urine. But no, I’ve not even begun to have speech or swallowing problems yet, but I have left trails of pee from my room to the toilet – while WEARING a fucking pad. They only hold so much, and I’ve peed through even the overnight Poise pads more times than I can count.

Fun fact – Poise pads are rated by flow, just like menstrual pads, onle they don’t use words like “light, medium, and heavy”. They use words like “drips, dribbles, spurts, and gushes”.

Additional fun fact: menstrual pads and incontinence pads are NOT THE SAME THING. Ask me how I found out! At work!

So, last clinic, I brought this up, and we started the road to Figure Things Out. It has NOT been a good road.

Like, at all.

We started the easy path, with a medication. That did nothing. We upped the dose. Nothing. I was referred to a urologist. He had me pee in a cup to make sure I didn’t have any weird infections – this is not easy any more. You kinda need functioning hands to maneuver this, and remember this point. It becomes VERY important later. He then did an ultrasound on my bladder to make sure I was emptying it completely when I peed. I do. He shrugged and gave me samples for a new med to try. I did. They did nothing. He gave me another months’ supply in samples, and said he was previously going to do a couple of tests that day, but given my whole situation, he instead referred me to his colleague, who could do an ENTIRE workup. He said they’d call to schedule that; it’s an hour and a half appointment that involved probes and a scope up my urethra, soooooo be prepared for that I guess.

A week later, I get a call to make the appointment, and they send me a pamphlet of what to expect, and a sheet of instructions on how to prepare. The word “enema” is involved. Two enemas, exactly. One the night before, and one the morning of. The informational pamphlet says they’ll be sticking a scope into my bladder, to take a look, they’ll also be doing a flow test which means I sit on a commode and pee to determine…something, I guess. How fast I pee? And then they’ll be filling my bladder with sterile saline and stick a probe in both ends, and then have me do some tests like bearing down, and standing up. I guessed there would be puppy pads all over the room for that part. I was not looking forward to this, like, at ALL.

And so, the weekend before the appointment, I had to muster the courage to ask J to take me to the store so I could buy a freakin’ enema. He’s actually been amazing about listening to the really awful details of this whole bullshit Godzilla Disease, and took it in stride, and sympathized about the scope part cause he’d had that done. We bought what I needed, and then the night before the appointment, I set forth to do the thing.

OK. Here is where it is important to remember the part about “you kinda need functioning hands”. If you’re not familiar with an enema, it is essentially a flexible little bottle of saline with a thoughtfully, pre-lubricated plastic tip. You insert the thoughtfully pre-lubricated tip into your butt, squeeze the contents of the bottle in, and then wait for nature to do its thing. The bottle, for reference, is smaller than a standard soda bottle by a lot. It’s also full of water, which is heavy. Sooooooo don’t actually picture this, because gross, but…entertain a brief thought about what kind of difficulties a person with ALS may have in this situation. Especially when she is also overweight, and seated on a narrow, raised toilet seat with bars that prevent her from say, separating the knees as far as one might wish to get access to that business.

If your imagined, hypothetical scenario included dropping the bottle in the toilet more than once, and then ultimately only managing to squeeze maybe a third of it in? Congratulations. Now do that again in the morning.

The night before the appointment, after dealing with the ahem..effects..of the ordeal, I have a worrying thought. The clinic has more than one urology office location. There’s the one at the hospital in NW Portland, where I’ve been seeing this dude, but they ALSO have a location in NE Portland, where Dr. Goslin is. The urologist just mentioned a colleague. Same office? I scoured the paperwork I had, nothing had an address on it. It was Monday night at 10. I couldn’t call anyone. I checked the web portal for the clinic, and they had NOTHING about upcoming appointments anywhere. I could check every fucking thing else in my medical files with them, but nothing about an upcoming appointment. They hadn’t called with an appointment reminder.

I took my chances and went to the same clinic. And…yeah, you already guessed it was the wrong fucking hospital. Amazingly, they had another opening at the right hospital the very next week, so I made that appointment. After the month I’d been having, and the whole enema ordeal and the humiliation of that and the frustration of my hands just not fucking cooperating enough to do this, and the nightmare scenarios of thinking I’d ever have to ask someone for help with that, and paying $30 on a Lyft to the hospital and knowing I was going to have to spend another $30 to go home….I went into the hospital bathroom and sobbed a lot. Then I went home and took a nap.

The next week, I had better ideas about how to do the prep work. It went better, but also involved having to do the thing twice, since I could still only get a half dose in. The morning of, I had a complete incontinence issue and peed alllllllllll the fuck over m,y bedroom carpet and the bathroom tile and the bath mat and the toilet seat and everyfuckingwhere. And then after I cleaned it all up, I had to deal with the second dose of enema funtimes, and then got dressed and called my Lyft. It is 20 miles from my apartment to the hospital, mayyyyyybe 45 minutes with traffic. I left around 7:30 for an 8:30 appointment. There was a 25 minute traffic delay. I got to the hospital at 9AM. When I realized I was going to be 10 minutes late, to a 90 minute appointment, I thought about calling them to apologize but didn’t think I’d missed the appointment It was an hour and a half, and they always keep you waiting 10 minutes in the lobby anyway. When Waze bumped the arrival estimate to 8:45, I contemplated having him just turn around and take me back home. When the arrival time hit 9AM, I just kinda…turned off and knew I was showing up just to reschedule with the receptionist. I got to the office, explained what happened to the Eastern European lady, told her I realized at this point I was probably going to have to just reschedule the whole thing, and she looked at me like I was stupid.

“You have to PLAN for these things,” she told me like I was a child. “You can’t think traffic isn’t going to happen.”

“I planned a 15 minute buffer,” I told her. “It took 45 minutes longer than it should have.”

“You have to think about traffic,” she shook her head at me, exasperated. I guess she realized I was very, very close to tears, because then she said “I’ll see if they can get you in. But I don’t think so.”

Cue about 8 minutes of me leaning against the counter while she talked to the other office folk about how I seriously expected to be able to show up 30 minutes late and then a muffled conversation around the corner with the nurses, and I was JUST about to tap on the glass and remind her snarky bitch ass that I had ACTUALLY apologized and asked to fucking reschedule in the first place when I GOT THERE when she came back and said they could do PART of the appointment today, and maybe if the next person doesn’t show up for their appointment, we could get it all done.

We did not, in fact, get it all done.

Wanna guess which part we did not get done? The part that required the enema prep? OH WELL DONE YOU GET A PRIZE. We DID get the part done where they put numbing gel in my ladybits and then jammed a camera scope in there. I got to see the inside of my apparently healthy bladder, and even watched my kidney spit a blurble of pee into it. I did the pee-over-a-cup-on-a-scale test, too, and then sat in the room alone with no underwear on while we waited to see if the next guy showed up. When he did, I was ushered out to the lobby to reschedule without being given a chance to put said underwear back on, and then stood at the counter with a breeze up my dress while I waited for Ms. Thing to get me another appointment. At least she was equal opportunity bitch, because another dude came out of the office and needed some followup something, and she barked at him to just sit down and she would get to him in a minute. And then told me that she just couldn’t STAND when people just HOVERED like that. And then she tried to be sweet and called me darling when she found an appointment a month away “so much quicker than I thought for you” and made a point of scheduling me for the LATER time, and wrote my appointment time as 15 minutes earlier for arrival on the reminder card. Like…yeah, I GOT it, bitch. I WAS LATE. And then I went outside and got a Lyft home that cost $40, like the ride in, and I guess the worst part is how everyone assumes I have a magical support network for free that can help with enemas and free rides where I need to go so it’s just an inconvenience to THEIR asses when I get caught in traffic or they send me to the wrong fucking hospital in the first place.

Oh, and this was on Halloween.

So now, I get to wait a month, do enemas again, and in the meantime just continue peeing myself all the time because it’s not at all disruptive to my life? And then pay another $80 in Lyft fare to have probes shoved in me? And in the meantime, the urologist’s advice was to do some Kegels. IF I COULD CLENCH THOSE MUSCLES IN THE FIRST PLACE, LADY, WE WOULD NOT BE TALKING TODAY. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK ALS EVEN IS. It’s when you try to use a muscle and CAN’T. BECAUSE THE MUSCLE IS GONE.

So yep. I’ve not been living my best life lately. This has been really hard. And humiliating. And a big fucking mess. In every sense of the word.

Next time I’ll tell you about clinic day and all that. This was a difficult post to write. I’m going to go look at some cat pictures or watch some jellyfish for awhile.

TMI : The Bleedies

Soooooo in the days, months, years ahead, there’s gonna be a lot of uncomfortable stuff. Things you don’t talk about in polite company. But the point of this blog is to document EVERYTHING, and well, I know some people are curious about this sort of thing. SO let me educate you.

If talking about shark week, Vampire tea parties, communists in the funhouse, girl flu, a red light special downtown, a crime scene in your pants, or rebooting the ovarian operating system makes you feel uncomfortable or squicky? Then now’s your time to bail. Here’s a picture of kittens to wipe your mind clear.

Still with me? Okay.

While contemplating everything after my diagnosis, envisioning my future, thinking about all the practicalities, it occurred to me. What the hell am I going to do about my period? I imagine MOST people with ALS have already gone through menopause so it might not be a common question. But it’s just one more damned thing to deal with, that I am not going to be able to take care of myself. And some nurse dealing with that? Man, why. So I brought it up with Doctor Goslin, and she said when the time came, I could talk to my primary about options.

I decided the time had come.

I wanted to start the process now, when I could still deal with it under my own power and remain in complete control. And I wanted to give myself time to adjust to any side effects NOW, to allow enough time to go by to make sure that I had it under control before life was beyond my own control. I decided to go to Planned Parenthood instead of my primary, because they’d have all of the information about ALL of the methods. I wanted options and informed decisions. I did a lot of research on my own, and I really liked the idea of the implant, but that wasn’t a guaranteed stop to menstruation. So I went with an open mind.

It took me a little bit to find it, but it was made easier by the honest to god protest happening outside. Fetus posters and everything. They didn’t fuck with me though, they just stood across the street singing hymns. There was a sign in the upstairs window that said, “Hello protesters! Donors have agreed to give $37 for every one of you that shows up today! Thank you for coming!”


Mannnnnnnnn it took FOREVER. I was half an hour early to my appointment and was taken back 45 minutes after my appointment time. I talked a little bit about it to the aide, she gave me some preliminary information, asked if I wanted AIDS and siphyllis/gonorrhea testing, was I being abused, had I ever been pressured into sex, did I feel safe at home? no, no, no and yes, thank you, I’m fine. She also reminded me it had been 4 years since I’ve had That Thing That Really Sucks and they recommend it every three. Would I like to take care of that today. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOkay FINE.

So the clinician came in and we had a long chat about all of the options. Half of them were out because I have a history of headaches and migraines which estrogen would exacerbate. The implant was not recommended because not only is it NOT a guaranteed end to menstruation, the effects vary wildly. Some women get heavier periods. Some women get spotting, some have irregular and unpredictable flows. So that was out. Which is a SHAME because I’d really like to only have to think about this once every three years, and the idea of a little plastic matchstick under my skin on my arm is creepycool.

We decided on depo-provera. It’s a shot in the arm, once every three months. It’s a hormone called progestin, a slow release that prevents ovulation. She told me that she has another woman who comes in regularly with her developmentally disabled daughter, and the daughter gets the shot as a matter of hygiene so it’s not at all an unheard of application. She had me take a routine pregnancy test first. Just cause. Even though it would be a second-in-history MIRACLE if I were. We did the Thing That Really Sucks, and then she stabbed me in the arm with a needle and I was sent on my way.

My arm’s a little sore. I was told I might gain weight, so maybe just be a little careful about what I eat, and depo CAN cause bone brittleness (yay?) so take calcium. I’ll see how this goes from here. When I left, the protesters were gone and it started raining BUCKETS as I walked to the train stop. A really amazingly nice woman shared her umbrella with me, because of course I didn’t have one. This is Portland man, we don’t believe in umbrellas (SPOILER: YES WE TOTALLY DO. It’s just that it doesn’t usually RAIN here, just this nagging persistent drizzle that only barely counts as rain and you don’t need an umbrella for that you sissy. But when a half block walk had me soaked to the skin? Yes, yes I WOULD like an umbrella. Thank you, lovely lady.)

We will see how this goes. I’ll keep you updated. And now you have an answer to a question you might have been afraid to ask, or didn’t occur to you. So when someone asks, what do women with ALS do about their periods? Now you totally know.